We have compiled the average weather in Malcesine by month (along with highs and lows) as well as including a seven-day forecast for an up-to-date view on the weather in Malcesine.
Seven Day Weather Forecast In Malcesine
MALCESINE WEATHERWhen Is The Best Time To Visit Malcesine?
If you want to explore Lake Garda and Malcesine in warm and sunny weather, then you are best going from June to August, as you will get the hottest temperature.
If you want a milder climate and fewer crowds, then September & October are good times to go.
July is actually the hottest month in Malcesine, with an average temperature of 23°C, with highs of 27°C and lows of 18°C.
Average Malcesine Weather By Month
If you are looking to travel to Malcesine then you can use our table below to discover the average temperature and rainfall by month to decide when is best to travel to Malcesine.
Data from Weather Spark
Month | Average Temperature | High | Low |
January | 1°C | 5°C | -2°C |
February | 3°C | 8°C | 0°C |
March | 8°C | 12°C | 4°C |
April | 12°C | 16°C | 8°C |
May | 17°C | 21°C | 12°C |
June | 20°C | 25°C | 16°C |
July | 23°C | 27°C | 18°C |
August | 22°C | 26°C | 18°C |
September | 18°C | 22°C | 14°C |
October | 13°C | 17°C | 10°C |
November | 7°C | 10°C | 4°C |
December | 2°C | 6°C | 0°C |
The average temperature in January in Malcesine is 1°C, with highs of 5°C and lows of -2°C.
The average temperature in February in Malcesine is 3°C, with highs of 8°C and lows of 0°C.
The average temperature in March in Malcesine is 8°C, with highs of 12°C and lows of 4°C.
The average temperature in April in Malcesine is 12°C, with highs of 16°C and lows of 8°C.
The average temperature in May in Malcesine is 17°C, with highs of 21°C and lows of 12°C.
The average temperature in June in Malcesine is 20°C, with highs of 25°C and lows of 16°C.
The average temperature in July in Malcesine is 23°C, with highs of 27°C and lows of 18°C.
The average temperature in August in Malcesine is 22°C, with highs of 26°C and lows of 18°C.
The average temperature in September in Malcesine is 18°C, with highs of 22°C and lows of 14°C.
The average temperature in October in Malcesine is 13°C, with highs of 17°C and lows of 10°C.
The average temperature in November in Malcesine is 7°C, with highs of 10°C and lows of 4°C.
The average temperature in December in Malcesine is 2°C, with highs of 6°C and lows of 0°C.